
Arm Lift

Arm Lift

Sagging back part and inner sides of the upper arm mostly appear with the excess fat accumulations and sagging skin. Other causes of sagging are related to old age, gravity and intermittent weight loss. It is because the skin and subcutaneous tissues in these regions are looser. The rate of sags and accumulated adipose tissues differ from person to person. Therefore, each patient to be treated with arm lift surgery should be evaluated individually. Arm lift operations can be performed alone or in conjunction with breast reduction, breast lift, abdominoplasty, leg lift, ad liposuction. Arm lift surgery should be performed in an adequately equipped hospital. The surgery is done under general anesthesia, and takes about 1 to 3 hours. Spending the first postoperative day under medical supervision in the hospital would be enough because there will be no pain to a disturbing degree.

The procedure that involves the removal of excess fat and excess skin in the arms of a person, in such a way as to make the arms look slimmer and tighter, is referred to as arm lift (brachioplasty) Arm lift operations are usually performed on women over the age of 40. The arm lift procedure can be performed on anyone who has excess fat and excess skin in his/her arm and feels uncomfortable with the resultant appearance.

As in all surgeries, you have to stop smoking and the use of aspirin, blood thinners and other similar substances approximately 3 weeks before arm lift surgery. Immediately before surgery, you will also need to give your doctor the required information about your general state of health and the medications you use. You should also avoid using certain pain reliever drugs including Apranax, Vermidon, and Voltaren, multivitamin pills, herbal products such as green tea, tomato seeds, cherry stalks, and flaxseed, and all weight loss products.

The arm lift procedure is started by making an “L-shaped” incision extending from the armpit towards the neck. Usually the arm is made tighter by only removing the excess skin from the patient. However, when performed on patients with extremely thick arms, the arm lift procedure includes liposuction as well. If this procedure is added, the surgery becomes more successful. The surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and the operation time ranges from half an hour to three hours.