


Breast enlargement in males is called gynaecomastia. This is actually a very common condition. The causes of breast enlargement are hormonal problems, puberty, thyroid diseases, liver disorders, old age, excessive alcohol use and the use of certain medications.

Male breast tissue is not different from female breast tissue. It has milk-synthesizing glands, ducts, and adipose tissue. The gynecomastia seen in men, i.e. breast enlargement occurs in different ways. It may appear due to an increase only in the breast tissue, only in the adipose tissue, or both in the breast tissue and adipose tissue. In most of gynecomastia patients, breast enlargement occurs when there is no reason.

Breast enlargement is not harmful in terms of health. However, it is a condition that causes social and psychological problems in men. Especially if the patient is an adolescent person, this problem will cause him to suffer greater problems. Therefore, it should be intervened immediately and the psychological state of the person should be taken under control.

If this condition does appear as a result of any disease, and if you are not in puberty, a surgical intervention will be needed. Gynecomastia usually causes aesthetically uncomfortable conditions and psychological problems. Therefore, if it is not possible for the patient to have gynecomastia surgery, he is advised to wear gynecomastia compression shirts. Gynecomastia compression shirts, like corsets worn by women, conceal the excess of your breast volume.

There is no age limit for gynecomastia surgery. However, if the patient is in puberty, we first advise him to wait until the end of puberty. It is because breast enlargement seen in puberty has been observed to disappear spontaneously after this period. This surgical procedure can be easily performed after the completion of puberty. First the person should be instructed to have the required tests, and then a gynaecomastia surgery should be performed without delay. By this means, breast enlargement will be prevented before psychological problems arise.

If the cause of breast enlargement is the increase in the amount of fat in the region, the problem can be solved with liposuction. Since the liposuction procedure is performed by opening small holes, it will live no surgical scar. However, if the breast enlargement is caused by the growth of the mammary gland tissue, more tissue should be removed through an incision to be made under the nipple. Since the incision will be made under the dark colored area, the scars will not be noticeable and will become indistinct in the course of time.